"Remember, remember the fifth of November, the gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot."
The 5th of November is notoriously renowned and acknowledged as the night Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the houses of parliament in 1605.
425 years later...
The protagonist of the play is disguised and introduced to us as V as he saves damsel in distress, Evey (Natalie Portman) after a curfew is established and undercover police known as 'Fingermen' confront her about her where abouts and failure to obey the curfew before becoming violent towards her. Vendetta is translated as vengeance, and that is definitely on V's agenda.
He is disguised; his identity a mystery as he hides behind a Guy Fawkes mask. The mask is specifically Guy Fawkes as his identity protector due to his support against Guy's original plot against parliament and his dedication to destroy the government due to his believe of the government destroying the world.
On the introduction between the two characters, Evey discovers the shocking plot of the mysterious V, whom saved her life. His plot to blow up parliament a year from their meeting on 4th November. Does she trust him? Should she trust him?
Those questions must result in yes, due to her safety is threatened as she is wanted for her involvement with V.
The 5th of November. The twist in the plot is that originally and expectantly V is responsible for pressing the button to set of the train carrying many explosives in order to blow up parliament, however Evey is the one responsible. The responsibility was a gift from V to her. If she wished, parliament would be destroyed, seeing as V was aware he was certain to die and would not be able to set of the bombs himself. He depended on Evey, as she had depended on him.
Guy Fawkes original plot was a success.. 425 years later.
Trailer: http://youtu.be/k_13fFIrhPk
This film was a success due to the consistent codes and conventions, iconography and gratifications that the audience would generally subconsciously perhaps link to the thriller genre. What the audience expect from a well-made thriller film is to be consumed by suspense and tension due to the taunting mystery they're eager to find out. Also V for Vendetta conformed to the audiences expectancies due the iconography and mise-en-scene associated with thriller films.
ReplyDeleteVery good effort, written like a review with strong control over vocabulary and identifies audiences expectations of a thriller
To improve:
Presentation counts for a lot so embedd key scenes and the trailer from youtube. To get top marks still 9 shots from across the film of the most significant parts of your analysis.
Well done!
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ReplyDeleteA very detailed review and analyses the audiences reactions well. Embed scenes from YouTube to make it look more professional.Also include more pictures.