Wednesday 5 September 2012

New start.

New start

New start. New school. New friends. Same me.
Its a new school, with unfamiliar faces and a building containing a maze and continuous stampedes of students prepared to bombard anyone that stands in the way of them, and their next lesson.

Some of the subjects i've chosen to take are fairly new, such as sociology for example. I have absolutely no idea of the contents of the curriculum it contains, or if ill enjoy it or not. That subject and the percentage of my either success or failure is unpredictable.

However, there are some things im certain of. Such as; English Lit, im certain ill pass, referring back to the good grades I obtained at GSCE for that certain subject. Media; Now this particular subject, i can see becoming my strongest and favorite subject due to enjoyment and knowledge i gained at GSCE, however, i have a feeling A-Level media will be more of a challenge.

The early mornings have proven to be a struggle. I walk into school like a zombie each morning fuelled by energy drinks. Where has the summer holidays gone? they flew by! Wasn't that supposed to be the longest summer holiday im likely to have? Neitherless, it was an amazing summer. Although, 'Summer' doesn't seem like the correct term to use this year to describe the season of apparent promises of sun. More like an early Autumn. I must say I was rather envious of the people lucky enough to escape the wet, and dreary relentless conditions of  'typical english weather'.

Moving on; I had my first Media AS lesson yesterday. I was so stressed in the morning whilst preparing myself for my first day of school. The day was highly unpredictable. First impressions could either make or break you in these circumstances. I was lucky enough to know two people in my first lesson, which helped ease my anxiety.

I have potentially two years at this school; A lot can happen in two years.

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