Monday 8 October 2012

Setting for a thriller

Setting for a Thriller movie

In order to make a decent thriller movie certain elements are required. These elements consist of the correct iconography, mise-en-scene and cinematography. Setting and location are a crucial part of the mise-en-scene due to it collaborates with the narrative due to Thrillers are associated with large and important cities. However, commonly thrillers have featured carpark settings as a requirement with the thriller iconography and the narrative associated. 
Therefore for a thriller setting, i found a carpark that was emptied of people, due to the time of night i chose to take the photo. I found this a suitable setting due to the iconography that the audience can easily identify as a thriller, especially in car-chasing thrillers. However, the time of night i chose to take this photo was crucial otherwise the setting would not have the same effect if it was perhaps shot and used in daylight. Thrillers are mysterious and full of nail-biting suspense, therefore night scenes are generally used due to the mise-en-scene association with colours and their meanings in different genres.
I also chose to take pictures in London, due to it is a big, renown and important city. Thrillers have been known to use locations in London.Therefore, i came to the conclusion that regardless of the narrative for my thriller, it must at least be featured in London.


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